Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Eucalyptus Radiata

Essential Oil of Eucalyptus Radiate is extracted from fresh leaves or end stems over a year old. 100 kg of plant will yield 1.5-2.5 litres of oil over a 2-3 hr. distillation time. There are 31 molecules, of which 14 make up 98.7% of the EO. Interestingly, this tree has very deep roots in order to reach the water table, avoiding mosquito larvae and disease carrying insects. The essence production is linked to the cosmic process of light through the leaves, and represent the lungs.
It's therapeutic properties are as follows:Anti-infectious: anti-bacterial, anti-viral; Anti-catarrh, expectorant, mucolyptic; Immune modulant; Energizing.
This essential oil is effective in assisting with the following indications: Otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, coughing; Colds and flu; Chronic fatigue, lack of energy, mono; Skin conditions: infectious acne, dermatosis; Vaginitis, endometriosis. 
Caution is advised for those with asthma pending the content of the molecule cineole. 
Essential oils are to be used under the direction of a qualified health practitioner or certified Aromatherapist. Not to be used by pregnant or nursing mothers, or children under 2 years of age. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Matter of the Heart

My husband recently spent a week in the hospital. He drove us there, and was admitted. Tests had to be done to determine the next steps in his treatment. His week was a "vacation" of sorts. Mine was a week of hell.
After our arrival, and having stayed many hours, I left for home, alone and tired. The night was quite restless, as I tossed and turned, listening to every noise in the house. I left the puppy out of his kennel, hoping to wean him to his doggie bed instead. His first night was very good, and at least one of us slept well.
The following day I returned to the hospital. A positive outlook, free of worry, I made my way out to the place where sick people go to be healed. His spirits were high, I was tired, migraine headache pounding. I was comfortable and trusting that all was and would be well, despite the nagging pounding that was going on inside my head. The day of hanging out in the hospital while he watched tv and rested, was really, quite boring. I left late afternoon, stopping at the local farmers market. I was  not handling the situation very well. My mind was too cloudy, and worry started to manifest in the thunderstorm of my head. I purchased many fresh veggies, honey and crisp apples, deciding to cook up a storm upon my arrival home. Sleep that night was sparse again, fatigue and pounding fought each other throughout the night.
Day three, kids were checking in, in-laws came to visit and a hospital routine began to settle in as my husband enjoyed his much needed rest. He was checked up on, napped frequently, had hospital meals plus food that we brought over, had many visitors and the royal treatment by the medical staff. I left to find supper, and upon my return to the car, I saw the most beautiful scene. The dark sky above was much lighter miles ahead, sun shining over the city away from me. What seemed like hundreds of white snow birds flew about, their bodies shining like diamonds in the sky. It was breath taking. There was beauty and life on the other side of the darkness.
The fourth day brought a birthday celebration for hubby. I worked the early part of the day, and made my way with cupcakes and a visit. My son was there already, and both men commented on my racoon eyes, and "Hey mom, why should you be worried? everything is fine here."
Well, on top of the migraines, lack of sleep and my thoughts that I was handling things okay, on the outside I obviously looked like my insides were not okay. I suddenly saw myself, strong, steady and under control as questionable. What if something happened to him. What would I do? How would I handle it emotionally? How do I regain that sense of control and togetherness? Where the heck was my brain? Why in the world can I not think straight, stay focused or keep holding it together? I was always able to say the right thing to clients in support of their issues. And yet my issues seemed to be getting the best of me.
My mom, my rock talked to me several times a day. Some dear friends gave me support and encouraged me to rest, take time of work, and go meditate! They were feeding me my own words! What, me having to be taken care of? Unheard of! It was my job to take care of the family and my work. Suddenly, I felt as though I could not even do my job! It was as though there were two of me. One was lost in this emotional fog, and the other stood there and watched. I laughed at myself. Still, I struggled to stay focused. I fell into the routine of cooking, cleaning and going to the hospital. Hubby was happy and all together in his own little world.
The second last day, the day of the tests, I was ready to explode. I realized that I was very tense, anxious and worried about the results. Anticipation flowed through my veins. The week felt  so very much longer than a week. I wondered how anyone with a situation more traumatic than mine had ever coped? I clearly was not doing a good job, at least that is how I felt. It was the end of the day, and just as the sun decided to set, the results came in. I would be bringing him home in the morning.
A wave of peace came over me. Exhaustion filled my body. A clearing occurred in my head, the fog left easily and immediately. A deep breath and I was finally free.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Challenges and Choices

I had the wonderful opportunity to teach and train hundreds of swimming instructors in my days. As a teacher trainer, we taught not only strokes, skills and rescues, we taught leadership skills, decision making, communication and feedback and evaluation techniques. These latter skills could be applied beyond aquatics and into daily life, work places, family and relationships. They are what I call life skill essentials.
With these skills as a teacher trainer and  a mom, business woman, wife and daughter, I have found that all challenges can be handled through choice of words, and more deeply, choice of our own thought process.
For every situation we encounter, there is a lesson, a series of emotions, an analysis through thought and choices. A choice of how we decide to react. A choice of how we choose to deal with the challenge. A choice of what we will do or say as an outcome.
We can choose to be emotionally involved, angry, hurt, devalued, sad, frustrated, centred out. Or we can choose to see the issue for it's main point, from an observational point, devoid of taking it personally or taking on the responsibility of emotions projected by the challenge or challenger, and acting only on the issue at hand without the drama surrounding it. We can see the lesson without the flamboyant emotions and be grateful to have the choice to act from a higher vibration, without arrogance or ego.
Choose to see challenges as an opportunity to make choices. By changing our perception and detaching from the emotional projection, we can easily breathe in a sense of calm with a moment of thought, so that the transition for reactive emotion can become an observation and action from a higher vibration. Be well. Breathe. Practice your choices with daily challenges.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Art of Silence

I recently spent five lovely days at an Ashram, surrounded by trees, lakes, and in the company of Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, AKA Gurdji.
Without having any expectations, I was eager to attend, and arrived with ample time to settle into my hotel room and then journey my way to the Ashram. I was greater by new faces and a few familiar ones. I immediately felt at home. The air was fresh, the trees a brilliant green, the lake tranquil and calm, a perfect reflection of what was to come. Being early, I toured myself to the gardens which are all ecocert, wild and lush. They needed a little work, I thought as I picked fragrant sweet raspberries from the edges of the bountiful garden in bloom. It started to drizzle with rain, and I made my way back to the main building, the mediation hall. It was in this mediation hall that we would gather for Yoga, Kriya, Satsang, Meditation and meals.
The second day was amazing, there were so many sessions of meditation, I fell deeply into a state of bliss so very easily, it was a welcomed feeling that is still resonating in my veins to this date. We were also blessed to observe and meditate a ceremony called a Puja, in the presence of Pundits who chanted ancient scripts before our Guru. Watching and meditating with gratitude and peace, the ceremony was appreciated by all.
Our days of silence followed the next day. It was easy to be quiet, however, the mind was at first a little reluctant. Emotions swelled quickly to the surface, agitation came quickly and left with ease with each deep breath that I took. Energy inhaled, relaxation exhaled. My daily practice before, then and now. Nature, meditation and the Guru's guidance allowed me to be completely in the moment. There were no thoughts of the past, no worries or concerns for the future. I was completely and totally living in the moment. And it was divine.
Happiness followed. It was deep, and embedded itself into my cells. With each breath and each moment of truly being, peace, bliss and happiness existed in its entirety.
Having practiced Kriya and meditation  over twenty years, I am so grateful to have experienced the Art of Silence. It has brought me more patience, peace and tranquility into my daily life. It has been an experience that is still in my mind, my body and spirit. Jai Guru Dev.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Healing Crisis

Spiritual Healing is deep and powerful. Often when one takes on a spiritual practice such as Yoga, Meditation, Counselling or Energy work, healing occurs on a variety of levels. Healing can be powerful, exciting or severely painful mentally, physically or emotionally, hence the term “healing crisis.”
We are composed of energy. Our physical vibration starts with our spiritual connection and awareness of our higher consciousness. This vibration then surrounds us with our Aura and chakra centres. When the aura or chakras are out of balance and not properly adjusted, physical illness and disease can result over time.
When we devote ourselves to healing on all levels-emotionally, physically and spiritually, a rebalancing occurs. The system is detoxified, purified and cleansed. Energetic atoms spiral about, vibrating and recalibrating. This process can stir up, discharge and release physical and energetic toxins from our cellular being. Often people can experience as many positive symptoms as they do challenging symptoms during a healing period. Our positive healing attributes can include a surge of adrenaline, and happiness hormones. We feel exhilarated, refreshed, revitalized, complete and whole. We are connected to the universal energy and feel overwhelmingly amazing, powerful, peaceful, balanced.
On the other hand, and this depends on each individual’s life experiences, mental state and many other factors, there can be challenges experienced during a period of deep healing.
Some people could experience mood changes, slight depression, agitation, or even anxiety and anger. Other physical symptoms of purification and detoxification can be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Sometimes severe muscle or joint pain can result.
Rest assured, this is a part of the healing process. The challenging symptoms are short lived. It is important for you to acknowledge the process. Be present in the experience. Rest you body, drink pure water, eat fresh organic food, take epsom salt or himalayan salt baths to assist in the detoxification process. Avoid alcohol or drugs. Go with the process and know that it will soon end, and the positive healing aspects will make them selves present. Have faith and courage to accept the release. Surrender to the healing process, allow it to transform from a “Healing Crisis” into a process.

Art of Surrender

In order to attain our inner balance, we tell our selves that “letting go” is necessary. Yes, indeed, we need to let go of anger, of stress, of hurt, and of self doubt among others. We need to practice the art of Breath in order to bring ourselves to the present moment.
Letting go is very powerful. It is a process of awareness, acknowledgment, forgiveness and release. It is often a mental process that we endure in stages of perfection, time and practice. Letting go comes with its share of emotions, as often we are letting go of the bad in order to experience the good. It is often a process for the self, the ego, the person feeling trapped, or needing to make a concrete change. It can be easy, challenging and even avoided.
However, the Art of Surrendering is a step higher in the Letting Go practice. It is the complete willingness, trust and allowing with the mind, heart and soul that we literally jump in the water a full 100%, without looking back, without re-assessing, and completely without any self doubt or regret. It is like intentionally falling off of a cliff, knowing that all will be well, and that you will be caught and carried safely. Surrender is fully releasing to the Universe and to your Divine Self, and brings immediate relief in its sense of peace.
Letting go is a decision. To Surrender is a state of Being.