Friday, July 26, 2013

Rays of Shine

The heat of the sun shines brightly
The sounds of the birds nesting under my deck hum as their mother brings food
The vibrant aqua blue of my pool beckons me as my body browns under the summer sun
Such a quiet river, until the songs of frogs begin, day or night, or the wake of a passing boat stirs the muddy bottom
Missy and Tyger basking in the rays, light breeze to cool at the patio door
The aroma of fresh cut grass and brief scents of the tiger lilies drift through the air
It is mid summer now, time passes much too quickly
Loving every moment of this time of year
As I lay under the rays of shine, browning, making marshmallows and being in the moment
Thank you sun, wind, river, nature. I am home 
Under the rays of shine