Friday, March 15, 2013

Psychic Senses

You are a soulful being having a human experience. With that knowledge, accept that you have not only five human senses (touch, sight, taste, smell, hear), but that you also have five psychic senses! Clairsentience for sensing, Clairvoyance for seeing, Clairaudience for hearing, Clairallience for smelling and Claireambiance for tasting. Some people have several dominant senses, some have only one. It is key for you to recognize your abilities, be aware and accept them just as you would the human senses. By tuning into your "Clair" senses, you are working more with the energies of the universe, and thus becoming more in balance with the earth around you. Pay attention, tune in, allow. From there, practice and fine tune your sensory development. You have the ability! Once tuned in, your life becomes a magical, spiritual journey accompanied by amazing miracles, deep healing and spiritual growth. Have fun!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Each day of life is a new page in my book. I have 44 years times 365 days of pages in my book. That book has been written in time, and not yet on paper. Bits and pieces of the story are found here in my Blog. Today, I share with you the power of belief. Every day that I have belief in an idea, a relationship, a career, finances, the laws of the universe support this belief and magic happens. Like most people, we all have a story or series of stories. It makes us who we are today. So let me back-track to a few yesterdays ago... I was 22, pregnant, going to university, working part time, doing volunteer work,and living with an addict. No matter what was said, what was done, the addiction did not change. There was a battle of dealing with lies, poverty and anger. Naive, young and full of love, (or maybe blindness lol), the power of belief in the goodness of this man, lead us to counselling and and a year of make-believe happiness followed with a new born. Shortly after the birth, six months to be exact, another child was conceived. This time I made a pact with myself and the universe, that if the situation regressed, it would be dicontinued, and all of my energy would be devoted to educating myself, being employed and providing in full for my two babies. Sure enough, with second baby six months old, the relationship disolved, and life opened up in abundance. Fast track a year or two, I take a Reiki healing course and meet the father of my third child. She is born with a pink birth mark of a perfect five pointed star on her third eye, lasting six months. My partner gets a full time job, we buy a home, I learn so many spirtual lessons and awakenings. I start a holistic practice on top of adding many learning certificates to my wall. Yet there is a block in my being, the relationship disolves, I am a single parent, struggling to make ends meet. I think the solution is to stop working for myself, and to find full time employment with benifits. Unfortunately, it is the wrong choice, I make less money, have to sell my home, uproot my children, find a new partner (who ironically is also an addict), and find myself in a struggle for six long years. During that time, I have challenging ups and downs. My children are my life, I work very hard to re-establish my career with my holistic practice. It grows, I grow, the kids grow. The relationship disolves, I heal in the waters of the lakes and local quarry. I give all of my sorrows to the water, to the sky, to the earth, to the universe. I cry until the tears are molded with the wet of the water that carries my body in gentle waves. I meditate each day, I exercise and run. I run and run and run. I was miserable in the situation, and chose to be happy in my misery on my own instead. I ventured to BC where I found my running pace. I fell in love with the ocean and the huge trees, eagles and mountains. I found my peace. I found myself. I let go of the past while maintaining the lessons so hard learned. I prepare to sell my house, to move my family to BC and start fresh, with nature all around. I believe that all is well.I believe that anything and everything is possible. I believe that we are taken care of by the universe, by the powers that be. I let go of all expecations, worries, resentments, grievences. I am happy. I am at peace. The house is prepared for the putting up for sale. My family is supportive and ever so helpful. Then one day, without warning, without wishing, looking or asking, a man comes into my life. He is whole. He is kind. He is strong, independant. He is without addictions. He changes my life and the life of my children. He marries me. He loves me and loves my children unconditionally. We build a home, and we build a wellness centre for my business.The universe smiled upon me because I gave up all of the worries to the heavens. I am whole. I am at peace. I am completely and utterly happy. Just last fall, I took a course in Angel Tarot Card Reading. We were taught to ask the angels for help and guidance to do our readings, and to assist us in daily life. We were reminded to believe that we are not alone, and that all we need to do is ask for help from the divine when we need it. A great reminder, as through all of those previous years, I felt that I was doing it all alone. What took me in what seems a life time of learning, I was reminded of again in a short period. So every day, I ask for guidance. I ask that the divine be the healing source in my work with healing others. Everyday I ask in full faith, in full Belief that all is and will be well. And everyday there is a miracle, big or small, a miracle. And every day I awake in gratitude and of course with Belief. All is well. And today is a new page.